
  • Knee High River Water
  • Bible

Friday, December 23, 2011

Movie Tam!

So after a very very very long time....
I finally ventured back into a place I haven't thought about for a while.
Yes, ladies and gentlefolk...I saw myself a movie.

I must say, for the trash that hollywood is calling entertainment...this movie was pretty awesome.
Sure, there was the occasional joke that took it so far you just had to wince and look away, and yes, there were scenes that were purely in existence for the violence or blatant sexuality of it (ever explained, um, no...actually...)


like i said. pretty not bad.

I mean, this part almost killed it

but then this part made up for it

and, in the end, i wasn't too disappointed by this as a whole

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


lets take the "x" out of xmas and re-insert Christ back into it....

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Oldie But a Goodie!

:) old post from a blog that is needing to be put down, this story was too good to delete

So last night i had the genius idea to plan a biking trip with Chaundel and Ryan. I kiiiinda knew that both of them were rock hard and that the closest i came to being athletic was busting out karate moves to unsuspecting shoppers at the local Harvest Market, but i went along with it anyway.

4 am this morning i’m wide awake. Maybe its because of my inherent night-owlness or maybe it was my body telling me that this was a very very bad idea.

We started out going down highway 20. As some of us out there know: Highway 20 West is almost totally down hill. This presents an entertaining contrast to the fact that going back up Highway 20 is almost completely UP HILL.

The hill, meaning “the hill”,, meaning that it needs a hilly name because of its overwhelming “hill”ness,, was absolutely excruciating. I was dying, jacket on and sun shining (i was going too slow and working too hard to try and remove said jacket) and the climax was that i actually felt a small glistening milliliter of water run down my head (i dont sweat so this: big deal). I looked up and saw the steepest part of the hill before me, my heart almost gave out.

“Come on…you can DO IT!” Chaundel coaxed

“N….*huff*….noooo just let me *huff* walk it up…”

“No way silly, we’re doing this!”

I have literally never felt so exhausted, my legs have never burned so much, i have never been so out of breath. This brings to light two facts 1) i have never actually used my body like this beyond kayaking, and that’s sad. 2) this is a perfect foil for our walk as Christians.

Every fiber of my body was ready to give up (or out…) and had i been alone, i would have given up, but i had someone beside me. That person pushed me to go harder and farther than i ever would have on my own. Jesus wasn’t kidding when He told us we needed partners. I ditched Chaundel that day, but she didn’t ditch me. She didn’t give up on me, and her expectations were (eons) higher than mine. Ladies and gentlemen: we need other Christians, and this may be fundamentally against our egos but we also need help. Even when we don’t think we do, that other person is smoothing out our rough edges and making us better.

On that note i would like to add that my legs hurt sooo bad i think i’m going to have to drag myself around the house until this afternoon. Props to C-monster and Ryan for putting up with my protests, and to Chaundel for not hugging me and making me smell like man.

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Glass was in pieces all around my car, my Jimmah.
My trusty steed who carried me to destinations across the West coast was violated right outside my apartment.
The brute, whom officers would later inform me "Was not the brightest bulb." smashed my passenger side window and tore through my car.
He ripped out my stereo faceplate, destroying the entire center console on which it was mounted. He threw open my glove box and tossed papers all over my car.
After my window repairman found the stereo faceplate under my passenger seat, the final tally was down to one flashlight.

The flashlight was a cute little maglight that my parents gave me when I first inherited Jimmah. It was red, with a little case to keep it in. It was the only thing I was given with Jimmah (besides a bill for insurance payments).
The brute left the case.

I feel bad for the guy, all that work, all that glass inside my car and in the driveway, and he's got a dinky flashlight with no case. Why not just take the case? Like I said "brighest bulb," hardly.

What must have been going through his mind. How desperate must he have been to smash his way into a car that was worth just about as much as a pawn shop bicycle. How stupid must that brute have been to destroy my radio, essentially the only thing of value in that car, besides my passengers. After ripping the faceplate off and most likely realizing that he destroyed it beyond repair, he actually kicked the radio into the console.
What a frustrated, desperate being.
He should've taken the case.
At least his new flashlight would've had a case.