
  • Knee High River Water
  • Bible

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Glass was in pieces all around my car, my Jimmah.
My trusty steed who carried me to destinations across the West coast was violated right outside my apartment.
The brute, whom officers would later inform me "Was not the brightest bulb." smashed my passenger side window and tore through my car.
He ripped out my stereo faceplate, destroying the entire center console on which it was mounted. He threw open my glove box and tossed papers all over my car.
After my window repairman found the stereo faceplate under my passenger seat, the final tally was down to one flashlight.

The flashlight was a cute little maglight that my parents gave me when I first inherited Jimmah. It was red, with a little case to keep it in. It was the only thing I was given with Jimmah (besides a bill for insurance payments).
The brute left the case.

I feel bad for the guy, all that work, all that glass inside my car and in the driveway, and he's got a dinky flashlight with no case. Why not just take the case? Like I said "brighest bulb," hardly.

What must have been going through his mind. How desperate must he have been to smash his way into a car that was worth just about as much as a pawn shop bicycle. How stupid must that brute have been to destroy my radio, essentially the only thing of value in that car, besides my passengers. After ripping the faceplate off and most likely realizing that he destroyed it beyond repair, he actually kicked the radio into the console.
What a frustrated, desperate being.
He should've taken the case.
At least his new flashlight would've had a case.