
  • Knee High River Water
  • Bible

Friday, December 23, 2011

Movie Tam!

So after a very very very long time....
I finally ventured back into a place I haven't thought about for a while.
Yes, ladies and gentlefolk...I saw myself a movie.

I must say, for the trash that hollywood is calling entertainment...this movie was pretty awesome.
Sure, there was the occasional joke that took it so far you just had to wince and look away, and yes, there were scenes that were purely in existence for the violence or blatant sexuality of it (ever explained, um, no...actually...)


like i said. pretty not bad.

I mean, this part almost killed it

but then this part made up for it

and, in the end, i wasn't too disappointed by this as a whole

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


lets take the "x" out of xmas and re-insert Christ back into it....