
  • Knee High River Water
  • Bible

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Consistency is Consistently Difficult

So i put this off for too long again.
Its just...with the holidays....
then the school starting...
and the...
with the....

So i'm here now. Sharing, as I so awkwardly do, about my spiritual life. From a blog. Because I will not use facebook. And I dont get out much these days.

Lets see: I've been reading the Bible a lot since January, the entire Bible done in one year is my goal, and the best part is that I'm not undertaking this alone. A whole mess of Godly women whom I respect (and adore) are doing it too. They make things like this look so easy. We are also all going through "Way of Agape" study together. I am not going to lie, I signed up because Diana is awesome and we were going to be that's two of my favorite things, and I just decided to do it.After reading the first four chapters I realized that this was like a....i dont know...older married woman study. I show up on saturday and REALLY realize this . So i'm hanging with a bunch of amazing, funny, older, GODLY women on Saturday....oh my life...we all know how hard it can be :)

Other than that I've been spending a lot of time ALONE.
That seems weird to a young person I feel like we are encouraged to get all of our wigglies out by being outside and being loud and being in groups and being...never still.
The Lord has gotten me here by no will of my own. I'm like the dumbest little sheep that keeps fighting Him, and He keeps breaking my legs again and again. I swear...if I could cartoon for you the kind of sheep that I would be one with a lot of band-aids all over its legs from all the leg-breakings.
But I'm here now. Alone. In my own apartment, doing school all day and work some nights. So it gets pretty quiet...right? WRONG
Ohmy...ooooohmy. Well the Lord has been pouring Himself over me like its nobody's business and I've been getting so blessed. SO BLESSED.
I feel like I'm in the stage of my walk with the Lord where I was off doing my own thing, found Him again, decided to commit, got married, and then totally forgot about the honeymoon phase.
I had been running around at all these Bible studies, giving my attention to other people, and just plain being distracted! But I've finally slowed the gears and have been really trying (trying...trying...DOING!!) to just be with Him and spend time with Him.
Not to make them feel weird, but its like my lovely neighbors Corey and Danielle (Kory...Korey....Corieieie...idk. Sorry man...) they got married and then fell off the social map so to speak. We never saw them emerge unless it was for work or church. It almost bothered me at first. I was always like "Wh...Eh...Uh...WHERE ARE THEY!" But I finally realize what that time is for. I need to spend some quality time with my God. I need to get to know Him, and hear Him, and worship Him on my own. I need to not fill my nights with social engagements but to rest and relax in Him. Its in these times when I have heard the voice of the Lord. Its beautiful.

I shared this with my folks last night. Rhonda's reply was, "Well, after all the coincidences started piling up 'you miss that engagement' 'you had so-and-so flake out on you' 'you were going to this persons house but your muffler fell off' I was wondering when you were gonna get it!"

again....i remind you all....sheep with band-aid legs....

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